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SKU: 8th-steer Categories: ,


6 lbs. Chuck Roasts
16 lbs. Ground Beef
3 flat iron steaks
3 Tenderloin Steaks
3 NY Strip Steaks
3 Ribeye Steaks
3 Sirloin Steaks
3 lbs. Stew Meat
3 Round Steaks
3 Sirloin tip steaks
3 packs prime rib burgers (1# packages)

Ordering Information

You are reserving an animal in our current herd that will be ready within weeks. We’re a small farm with a big commitment to our animals and our customers. We don’t have processed inventory; we’re raising them as you read this. Within a few days of your order, we’ll tell you when we’ll deliver your beef.

Hand-Trimmed Cuts

Ney’s Big Sky provides a customized USDA Certified Cutting Service from a select Midwestern processing plant. The processing is done by experienced butchers who pride themselves on trimming all carcasses to our specifications and your cutting instructions. Custom cutting and trimming are an important key to delivering the highest quality beef to your table.

Estimated Carcass Yield

Please understand you’re buying an animal, and final weights vary. Our price is based on the pre-processing (rail) weight. The actual weight you receive (table ready) will be less than the rail weight. An average eighth beef carcass weighs approximately 97.5 lbs. on the rail.  Product weight decreases by approximately 50% from rail weight to table-ready, so an eighth beef will yield approximately 48.75 pounds of packaged pre-cut beef.

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